CLASS 01 – Introduction


Welcome to EET for Spring 2021. In our first class we learned more about everyone’s backgrounds and interest in this topic. We reviewed the topics and schedule for the semester, including what you hoped to get out of the class:

Three things you want from this class?
1- The basic knowledges an entrepreneur should know. / 2- Better communication skills and more professional expression./ 3- The things should know as a F1 student who want to start a business in US.
be able to better identify my entrepreneurial strengths and work on improving them. become better at presenting / speaking about my ideas. working on financials for companies
The pipeline of starting a company, how to find chances, financial staff related with companies
General financial literacy, Understanding how entertainment industries make money, internal financial structures of large tech companies (e.g. Amazon)
1. Know how to evaluate whether a business idea can be successful or not 2. Understand how to bring an idea from conception, to the investment phase, to production 3. Understand the complexities of entrepreneurship
Demystification of process : so an (even slight) illumination of the process behind starting a company out of thin air (since that is so opaque, and terrifying now); Trial Run: so a chance to try something out that is otherwise high-risk or harms my/other financially, in this low-risk sandbox atmosphere; Critical Feedback: i.e. an opportunity to understand more precisely and completely how other teammates/peers perceive my flaws and faults , so that I can learn where to direct my energy in resolving them, or find individuals to work alongside who cover the areas of development in which I am the most weak.
Knowledge from business side(raising money, contacting with VCs, how to design business model for my product and making my company survive.), Get some experience of pitching a product idea and creating a company.(presenation skill, communication skills) learning about how the other people(product managing side, business side and designing side) in the team think about their role and how should I better corporate with them.

We also did another exercise to learn more about each person’s strengths and what they would like from a team partner. I hope you were paying attention, some of your homework depends on it!



  • Fill out team survey (emailed to you)
  • Read “Building Your Company’s Vision” (emailed)
  • Bring to class:
    • Entrepreneur’s name and 3 traits that person has
    • Why would you want to start a company?